Bring nature to the cities. 
Make the city green

More and more people live in the city. And more and more, nature is far away.
So: let’s bring nature back to the cities.
Trees and plant are important to cool the cities. Also air pollution can be reduced by the use of plants. In fact, we all know it. But what can we do about it? Let us show you some examples. 

How to make the city green

There’s no room left in the city for gardens. But there are a lot of buildings in the city. 
The best way to make the city green, is making vertical gardens. This means, the walls of the buildings become gardens. It cools down the city. It makes the air cleaner. And you feel better.  

Computer technique: Internet of Things

The condition of the plants and the maintenance is done by sensors. When you measure the values, the maintenance can be very efficient. Humidity, light, temperature and water can be controlled by computer. Not very easy to do, but once it is programmed, it is fixed. You even can specify the needs of the garden in the program. 

Garden design. Use the right plants

Everybody with a garden knows the design is crucial. And making the design, you have to know witch plants to use. Knowledge of plants, their specific needs and habitat is crucial for success. To make a design for a living wall is different than making a garden. But in fact, the knowledge is the same. 

Benefits of plants

The benefits of plants are not only that you feel better. It is really better for your health. Plants cool down the city and make it more healthy. There are lot’s of studies that show this. But it is difficult to prove you feel better in a green city. That’s something you have to experience. Biophilia is new but science goes on.