Module 1

The first module is a basic module. You learn how to make basic arrangements and handtied bouquets in three different techniques. As well, you learn the basics of care and handling of cut flowers and plants. For design, you start with composition and form and art-history.

Module 2

In module two, you learn how to make more complex arrangements and handheld bouquets. This module is an introduction on techniques with wire and glue technique. The theory continues with composition and form, art history, knowledge of the names and care and handling of flowers and plants.

Module 3 

In the third module, you learn how to make decorations with flowers and plants. You will make a table decoration and room decoration. This module is all about arranging flowers with flower-foam and in constructions. The theory is about art and trends, nomenclature, care and handling and calculation.


FlorCert is a European quality program in flower industry. After you finished the three modules, you can do this test. FlorCert works with international judges. This means the quality is guaranteed. For more information, look at the FlorCert website. 

A few things we’re great at

Sjouke and Pieter are both florists from the Netherlands for more then thirty years. But that’s not the only thing they do. When you teach somebody, it is important to support and coach. That’s why we think coaching is just as important as teaching. The coaching and assistance of Melissa Smedes, competitor of the World Championship in Manchester, 2023, is a good example. We think you can’t teach without coaching. We are honest and sometimes strict in our judgment. When the quality is below the standard, we will tell you. That’s why we cooperate with FlorCert. We are not the judges when we teach you. But we will never let you down! 

Another important thing is design. When you think about making a flower arrangement, you first have to think about the design. Composition, form, colour and the right technique. To make your design, you need these tools. This means, you need to study to know the materials. You have to practice to learn the technique. And to develop a vision so you can make your design. 

Important designs for exhibitions and shows are nowadays made with the aid of computer. Both Pieter and Sjouke know how to make a 3sD computer based design. We can teach you how to do this In our modules, design is just as important as technique and knowledge.

Last but not least, we have a great network of suppliers and professionals in the industry. To know how to get the right products or the right person, is very important. Joining is joining our network. It is your guide in the industry. 


Art is important to recognize the spirit of the times. When you want to learn design, you have to know something about art. Our vision in trends has his roots in art history. Trends are important in a changing world. 

green cities

The world is changing fast. People live in cities and nature is ‘far away’. That’s why we think it is a good idea to make the cities green! Just like food. Food forests, vertical gardens and making the city green. 


Design is a process you can learn. At this moment, Computer Aided Design is hot. We know how to use it. But design is also working with pen and ink. Both ways lead to the same result: you know the goal you want to achieve.  


To start a business, you need a network. From suppliers of flowers and plants to the packaging you want to use. Let us show you the way! It is not all about the money. Work hard, play hard. Sometimes you just need a good advice. 

You cannot work without joy, you cannot have joy without work.

Success means you do the right thing. Work is a great part of your life: to become a professional, you have to work and study. But enjoying what you do, to have fun with others, maybe is just as important. Work hard, play hard…

You cannot work without joy, you cannot have joy without work. The story of Melissa Smedes is for us a good practice. Things don’t come easy: you have to work hard. But for Melissa, it was possible to reach the top ten of best florists in the world. And that, at the age of 26. 

It is the achievement of Melissa. We were able to assist and help. We think, that’s the role of a coach and a teacher. 

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the european institute for certification in flower industry: Florcert

FlorCert is the European institute for certification in flower design. Started in Sweden by Mikael Sorenson. There are several European countries who use FlorCert as a legal certificate for education. 

books and backgrounds

FlorCert has develop a book for the florist industry. As member of Chinaflower.eduction, you can use this book. 

Our Network

When you join, you are part of our team. And a network is very important nowadays. Knowing the right people and having good contact gives you access to entrepreneurship, knowledge and backup. So: join the club. Our network is like a living organism: it grows through the years. 

Alex Aalders


Melissa Smedes


Pieter Teisman

Teacher, florist, entrepreneur

Sjouke Bouius

Teacher, entrepreneur